Gabriela Kramer (b. 1994 San Diego, CA) found refuge through art after a tumultuous childhood. Venturing from home, she thrived in Tel Aviv's vibrant atmosphere, shaping her artistic style and identity with the city's diverse energy and influences. Settling in Brooklyn, New York, in 2022, she fully embraced her passion for painting, using mediums like crayons, oil pastels, and colored pencils to blend childhood chaos with adult boundaries. Drawing influence from her upbringing marked by pop culture, television, and navigating life with a single mother, Kramer's art reflects her experiences. The names of her paintings evoke a sense of connection, inviting viewers to share in her journey and find resonance with their own stories. Through her abstract expressionist works, Kramer aims to convey a journey from innocence to womanhood, allowing viewers to explore vulnerability and navigate their own emotional landscapes within her art.